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Does your business need to register for VAT?

VAT is a tax on supply, which affects all businesses and industry sectors. VAT registration is the first step in the process and our experienced VAT team provides clear, concise and commercial advice to help our clients unravel the complexities.
Compulsory VAT registration

Compulsory VAT registration

If your business make taxable supplies in the UK, you must register for VAT in either of the following situations:

1. Your business makes taxable supplies in excess of the VAT registration threshold, currently £85,000 in a rolling 12 month period. You must tell HMRC within 30 days from the end of the month this occurred.

2. Your business expects that its taxable turnover will exceed the registration threshold within the next 30 days. You must tell HMRC within 30 days of the date that expectation arose.

Have you exceeded the threshold?

Have you exceeded the threshold?

To establish if you've exceeded the VAT registration threshold, calculate the total of your business' taxable supplies made in the UK as well as the value of any reverse charge services, which applies to certain services received from an overseas business which would have been taxable if supplied by a UK business. 

How to register

You can apply via HMRC, but to ensure you get the details right and to save you the hassle, get in touch with our VAT experts who can register your business on your behalf. 

Late to register?

Late to register?

There are penalties for late registration, so if you haven't registered your business for VAT at the correct time, you need to establish the correct date of registration as this will impact on the level of potential penalty that might apply. There is no cap to retrospective action and hence a late registration can go back many years.

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