You + Us = More. More support. More advice. More understanding.
Faith-based charities (whether Catholic, Church of England, Dioceses, a faith-based school, or other faith-based charity) come to us for guidance on handling risk, managing cashflow and investments, and staying on top of their accounting needs. We can advise religious dioceses on how best to manage ‘Parish Share’ donations, understand the implications of charity status (charitable trust or CIO), support with safeguarding data and deal with property-related issues and investments.
Whoever you are, come and tell us about your situation – and how it could be better. Our service flexes to help with everything from the practical to the personal. Because you put your hearts into what you do, we put ours into helping you do it.
We’re Friends of the Association of Provincial Bursars, regularly speaking at their Open Forum events, and work with the Conference of Religious England and Wales. We also run regular free events for charities and frequently update our news and insights page with relevant content.
Use the buttons below to learn more about our specialist services for not-for-profits and learn more about how we can help you.
Accounting, financial and governance advice through every stage of your journey
We’ve been advising religious organisations for over 100 years and have worked with you as your charities have evolved. In partnership with Stone King LLP, over the last 10 years, we have published a trilogy of content, Embracing Change, Consecrated Life and Walking in Partnership, all of which are freely available for you to download and access below.
This book offers helps to religious institutes facing change, encouraging reflection and sharing of experiences.
This handbook addresses the unexpected role of religious individuals as charity trustees, providing essential guidance for fulfilling their responsibilities effectively.
Explore the road ahead for the charities operated by religious orders with Walking in Partnership, a three-part video series by Buzzacott and Stone King.
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