There are a range of services that charities can take advantage of, see below to see which fits you best.
Preparation of Gift Aid claims – Use this service if you have time pressures within your charity. This is suitable for those who want to remain efficient and make sure your returns are correct every time. Also, it can be used as an alternative to giving away a percentage of donations to giving platforms.
Gift Aid set-up - We can guide your charity through the whole process of setting up and operating Gift Aid claims including:
Gift Aid consultancy – We can also conduct health checks and even full scale reviews on your existing Gift Aid set up and tax efficient giving. Our review will take a look at your current set-up and put forward recommendations for improvements. There are many benefits to a review:
Gift Aid can often be overlooked by charities and has potential for unclaimed donations which could be used by the charity. We often find that even small changes can go a long way to making this process more effective. If your charity is involved in any of the below activities, you could stand to gain from a review or health check.
There are many charities who are still not claiming the full amount of Gift Aid available, with HMRC reporting in 2018 that up to £564m of Gift Aid has not been claimed from potentially eligible donations received, which amounts to almost a third that could be claimed. A health check or review could ensure you aren’t missing out on unclaimed donations.
If you would like to speak to our Gift Aid experts, please complete the form below, or alternatively call: