He works with families wishing to preserve wealth down the generations and with trusts of all sizes, from the very small (less than £20k) to the very large (c. £1 billion), both on and offshore. He also assists non-domiciled individuals, often in association with our Expatriate Tax Services team.
Much of Gregory’s work concerns the transition from one generation to the next and he has particular experience of working with a variety of solicitors on:
He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, a Chartered Tax Adviser and a Trust & Estate Practitioner. Gregory was on the City of London Branch Committee of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners for over fifteen years, serving as Treasurer and then Secretary. He is currently Chairman of grant making charity, The Guild of Our Lady of Ransom. He is also the grandson of one of the world’s best-selling authors, Dennis Wheatley.
Beyond his desk, Gregory enjoys wine, reading and watching American Football on telly.