Use of the PVA scheme is optional. If you wish, you can pay the VAT upfront when the goods enter free circulation in the UK (at the port of entry, for example, or after release from a customs warehouse). This will require you obtain monthly C79 reports from HMRC to support input tax recovery, as was previously the case for non-EU imports.
Businesses in Northern Ireland will continue to be considered part of the EU VAT area, so goods arriving from the EU into NI will not be considered imports, and will therefore not incur import VAT. Businesses in Northern Ireland can still use PVA for imports from non-EU countries.
However, use of PVA is mandatory if you defer the submission of customs declarations by making use of the six-month customs deferment period, which applies from 1 January 2021.
PVA can be used by VAT-registered businesses in the UK, and you do not need prior authorisation. You (or your agent acting on your behalf) need to indicate on the customs declaration that you will be using PVA. You also need to register for the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) to access online monthly postponed import VAT statements, which are required in order to deduct the import VAT on your returns.
However, you are not able to use PVA to account for import VAT on your VAT return if you import goods that you know will be used solely for non-business purposes. When you complete your customs declaration, you instead have to select that you’ll be making immediate payment or using a duty deferment account.
You are able to use PVA to account for import VAT on your VAT return if you import goods that will be used for both business purposes and non-business purposes, or if you don’t know whether or not they will be used for business purposes at the time that you import them.
There are changes to the way that the VAT return is completed because of PVA:
The normal rules about what VAT can be reclaimed as input tax will apply.
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