Seller: Garner Osborne Circuits Limited
Buyer: Dean Curran / Novastone
Type of deal: Acquisition
Sector: Manufacturing
Value: Undisclosed
Date: July 2024
We are delighted to announce Dean Curran’s acquisition of Garner Osbourne Circuits Limited. This is the second UK acquisition by a Novastone Capital Advisors (“NCA”) entrepreneur. NCA run an Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (“ETA”) program where they co-invest in entrepreneurs to make acquisitions - providing support, structure and know-how.
The Buzzacott team provided financial and tax due diligence, transaction advisory and structuring services. Being the second Novastone deal in the UK, Buzzacott were able to leverage their experience, providing vital services to enable a smooth transaction.
The target company, Garner Osborne, are specialists in the manufacturing and assembly of printed circuit boards. The company is thriving, with growth demands from expanding connected device and automotive electronics markets as well as increased demand for locally sourced components from UK manufacturers. This, combined with the incoming CEO’s experience and expertise make for a perfect combination for future organic and inorganic growth.
“I am grateful to Mike for trusting me to continue his legacy,” said Dean. “I have been hugely impressed by the operational excellence and extremely high-quality PCB products that Garner Osborne manufactures, supplying a diverse range of customer sectors. The business has great potential for growth I’m incredibly excited to be working with the teams at Garner Osborne to help carry the business forward for a bright future.”
"Thanks for all of your excellent hard work George! Your timely response rate to enquiries is phenomenal and all of your hard work is incredibly insightful, detailed and reassuring. Much appreciated."
- Dean Curran (Novastone searcher and incoming Garner Osborne CEO)
At Buzzacott we very much enjoy the level of involvement Search Fund transactions require. A comprehensive array of services was provided including transaction advisory, financial and tax due diligence and structuring. We worked closely with Dean throughout the process to ensure a successful outcome was reached.
The financial due diligence/transaction team was made up of Alex Judd, George Thresh and Gohar Niven. The tax due diligence team was made up of Tony Dillow, Adam Chick, Nicholas Lee and Kazia Kruszewksi.
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