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Trustee Training: Impact Management Webinar

As transparency and accountability are increasingly vital in the charitable sector, this session offers insights into the intricacies of impact data management, helping participants understand its role in decision-making and reporting.

About this event

This year, we’ll be running this event as a webinar, with Chatham House Rules, allowing for meaningful learning and discussion opportunities for all attendees.

In an era where transparency, accountability, and demonstrable impact are paramount in the charitable sector, this session provides an invaluable resource. Participants will gain not only practical insights into the intricacies of impact data management but also a broader understanding of how charities and social businesses can use this data for decision making and reporting.

Date: Thursday 19 September 2024

Time: 10:00 - 11:30

Format: Webinar via MS Teams

Who is this webinar for?

This event will be most beneficial to those new to, or just entering the world of impact management and measurement reporting. However, the content will be relevant and beneficial to any trustees or others who wish to better understand how charities collect and use data on impact.


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